
Get Involved

About Mental Illness

A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning.

What is Recovery?

Recovery from serious mental illness is not only possible, but for many people living with mental illness today, probable. The notion of recovery involves a variety of perspectives.

In Need Of Help Or Support?

Call the NAMI Helpline Mon - Fri from 10am-10pm:

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Or text "HELPLINE" to 62640
You can find more In Crisis information:
In Crisis Resources or email us at

Take the stigmafree Pledge

Mental health matters to everyone. Individuals, companies, organizations and others can all take the pledge to learn more about mental illness, to see a person for who they are and take action on mental health issues. Take the pledge and raise awareness.

  • Learn about mental health—educate myself and others
  • See the person not the illness—strive to listen, understand, tell my own story
  • Take action—spread the word, raise awareness, make a difference

Take the Pledge

Share Your Story

It’s important for people living with mental health conditions to know that they are not alone. Sharing a story about your personal experiences with mental health challenges can help in your own recovery as well as provide encouragement and support to others with similar experiences. Telling your story can take several forms:

  • Prose/poetry
  • Song lyrics
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Drawings
  • Photos
  • Videos

NAMI offers two safe, moderated spaces for sharing stories and creative expression: You Are Not Alone and OK2Talk. These spaces also allow for anonymous public posting, unlike our NAMI blog.

You have an authentic voice. You can make a difference for yourself and others by sharing your experiences and perspective. What has helped? What hasn’t? What has been most discouraging about your condition? What has given you hope? There are all sorts of things you know that other people want to know—you are not alone.

Let them know that they aren’t either.

Take Action on Public Policy Issues

Public policy makes a difference in the lives of both the people living with mental health conditions and the people in their lives. Changes in policy can mean better outcomes. Our advocacy efforts have led to many victories including:

  • Securing better funding for research.
  • Protecting access to treatments and services.
  • Attaining mental health parity to ensure that mental illness is treated equally to physical illness in most insurance plans.

But we still have work to do, and we need your help. Learn about mental health advocacy. Talk to your neighbors, friends and family about why these issues are important.  Visit the NAMI Advocacy Headquarters to add your voice to our advocacy efforts.

To learn more about NAMI’s stance on advocacy and public policy issues that affect adults and children living with mental illness and their families, read the NAMI Public Policy Platform (PDF).

About Mental Illness

A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning.

What is Recovery

Recovery from serious mental illness is not only possible, but for many people living with mental illness today, probable. The notion of recovery involves a variety of perspectives.

In Need Of Help Or Support?

Call the NAMI Helpline Mon - Fri from 10am-10pm:

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Or text "HELPLINE" to 62640
You can find more In Crisis information:
In Crisis Resources or email us at

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