Racism as a Risk Factor for Psychosis

The social determinants of health framework is commonly used to conceptualize the cultural and structural factors affecting mental health. A new review applies this framework specifically to psychosis-related health outcomes in communities of color, demonstrating that...

Study Reviews Suicide Intervention for Veterans

Caring Letters is a suicide prevention intervention in which individuals receive letters of care and support with the goal of facilitating connection and lowering suicide risk. The Department of Veterans Affairs implemented a Caring Letters program in 2020 for all...

Interpersonal Therapy for Depression During Pregnancy

Providing brief and recurrent interpersonal therapy may be an effective strategy in reducing depressive symptoms during pregnancy. A randomized clinical trial of 234 pregnant adults with elevated depression symptoms treated patients with either enhanced usual care...

Initial Research on TikTok’s Mental Health Impacts

Current research suggests social media overall may have positive and negative impacts on mental health. A novel study interviewed 16 participants about their experience interacting with mental health content on TikTok to learn about the platform’s specific impacts....
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